
At Olin I've been learning to see/think/create as an artist.
I have been growing my knowledge and skills in the arts and design through experiments inside and outside of class. These are a few of my favorite projects.


I've been experimenting with different tools of expression, to explore the landscape of multimedia art. I have been focusing on learning new methods and expanding my critical eye.

Generative Art

I fell in love with Sol Lewitt, and was inspired by him to make rule-based art. This semester (Spring 2020) I am making an Independent Study course on generative art and pen plotters. Below are a few tests of writing HPGL for an HP DraftPro Plotter from the 80s. Some digital works are here.

Receipt Printer

Last semester I found a receipt printer and started experimenting with it. I played with the connection that people have with receipts and how a message is conveyed differently through this medium. Later I tried looping the receipt back into the printer to see what patterns emerged. I later used the receipt printer in other community projects.


I took a printmaking course at Wellesley college, where I learned to screenprint and lithography. During remote learning I went to a local print studio, where I further explored pronto-plate lithography and monotypes. I documented my printmaking adventure on this blog.

Creativity Practicum

In Fall 2019 I took Creativity Practicum with Sara Hendren and Tim Sauder. It was "a beginner’s introduction to multimedia art forms. Students will learn how to identify some of the operations, choices, and audiences for artworks across disciplines ... building a basic, lightweight literacy in these expressive forms of culture." 1 week cycles of consuming and creating made space for me to explore a wide range of art.


I first dove into photography over my Leave of Absence in Spring 2018, during which I lived in Czech and Portugal. I took a lot of photos of cities and nature, and slowly trained my eyes to see through a camera lens.
One theme that emerged were visual textures, macro and micro, built and natural. See my collection of textures here.